Wir suchen dich!

Motivierte Leute, die die Eisenbahnindustrie nach vorne bringen wollen (m/w/x)




38,5 h

Annual Salary




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Umweltbewusstsein trifft Wissenschaft und Technik. Werde mit deinem Talent Teil des Teams, das die Instandhaltung des Bahnnetzes revolutioniert.

What you will do

  • Du bist Teil eines Teams, das unermüdlich daran arbeitet, die Digitalisierung für die Eisenbahnindustrie einfach zu machen.
  • Deine Arbeitssprache ist Englisch, Deutschkenntnisse sind von Vorteil

What you bring

  • Du kremplest gerne die Ärmel hoch, bist ein Teamplayer und eine flexible, kreative, neugierige und verlässliche Person
  • Deutschkenntnisse sind von Vorteil
  • Du magst lebenslanges Lernen

Our Offer

  • Bei uns bist du Teil eines multi-disziplinären Teams, das aus 100 klugen Köpfen besteht, die durch ihre gesammelte Expertise neue Wege gehen und so Produkte und Lösungen schaffen, die die Nachhaltigkeit der Bahn vorantreiben
  • Bei uns kannst du deine Karriere selbst gestalten, triffst auf kurze Entscheidungswege, eine tolerante, bunte Gemeinschaft die deinen Humor, deine Verlässlichkeit und deine Leistung schätzt und auf deine Familie und Freizeit Rücksicht nimmt
  • Freu dich über flexible Arbeitszeiten mit Home Office-Regelung, modernster mobiler Arbeitsplatzausstattung, Goodies im Büro, abwechslungsreiche Team-Events, Reiseversicherung auch für private Zwecke, …


What defines us

Icon Hände

Hands-on mentality

The doers own the world. That is why we approach our projects with a zest for action and creative joy. There are no half measures with us. Our work ethic is based on consistency, pragmatism and common sense.

Icon Hände

Hands-on mentality


The doers own the world. That is why we approach our projects with a zest for action and creative joy. There are no half measures with us. Our work ethic is based on consistency, pragmatism and common sense.

Icon Team

Team spirit

The success of our company relies on teamwork. We create solutions that unite the ideas of many. To achieve this, we work together, support each other and thus create a space to feel good and grow.

Icon Team

Team spirit


The success of our company relies on teamwork. We create solutions that unite the ideas of many. To achieve this, we work together, support each other and thus create a space to feel good and grow.

Icon Respekt

Mutual respect

We are diverse in every aspect: our life stories, our family backgrounds, our education and our cultures. We are proud to be international and build a strong bridge between Austria and the rest of the world.

Icon Respekt

Mutual respect


We are diverse in every aspect: our life stories, our family backgrounds, our education and our cultures. We are proud to be international and build a strong bridge between Austria and the rest of the world.

Icon Sprechblasen


We welcome honest communication as it gets us faster to where we want to be. We are always looking to learn from mistakes and solve challenges, not to find scapegoats.

Icon Sprechblasen



We welcome honest communication as it gets us faster to where we want to be. We are always looking to learn from mistakes and solve challenges, not to find scapegoats.

Icon Vertrauen


Because we know that we are all working towards the same goal, it is easy for us to trust each other. When we delegate tasks to colleagues, we can be sure that they are well taken care of.

Icon Vertrauen



Because we know that we are all working towards the same goal, it is easy for us to trust each other. When we delegate tasks to colleagues, we can be sure that they are well taken care of.

Icon Performance


We are not satisfied with average results. We strive for excellence. We challenge ourselves and our peers to reach true client satisfaction.

Icon Performance



We are not satisfied with average results. We strive for excellence. We challenge ourselves and our peers to reach true client satisfaction.

Icon Transparenz


We share information, tips and best practices, ask for help and give support when needed. We live an open error culture that allows us to grow.

Icon Transparenz



We share information, tips and best practices, ask for help and give support when needed. We live an open error culture that allows us to grow.

Icon Richtigkeit


We keep the promises we make to our clients. Our actions are guided by our values and principles. We remain true to ourselves because we believe that integrity is the basis of trust.

Icon Richtigkeit



We keep the promises we make to our clients. Our actions are guided by our values and principles. We remain true to ourselves because we believe that integrity is the basis of trust.

from the team

Bei tmc gefällt mir die offene Kommunikation und dass jeder ein offenes Ohr für meine Anliegen hat. Aber das Wichtigste ist: Wir reden nicht nur über Klimaschutz, wir handeln auch.

Christian, Lead Developer

Employee Christian

In contrast to pure research companies, at tmc we go all the way to the finished product.

Andreas, Software Developer

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We are looking forward to hearing from you.

If you would like to be part of the development of a new digital machine solution, then apply to us.

Meet Carolin – Your Contact

Carolin Angermayr

Regensburger Str. 3, 4020 Linz
E-Mail: career@tmconnected.com