Digital Track Measurement

Position and Orientation Systems - PosTG
Add a new dimension to your digital track measurement using PosTG
Take advantage of next-level track measurement with PosTG. It is one of our proven tools for digital track measurements, adding an extra dimension with valuable insights to our Referenced Track Geometry Solution tmRTG. PosTG is a geometry measurement system that uses advanced inertial 3D space curves to measure loaded relative track geometry. PosTG based on Applanix's excellent mapping Position and Orientation Systems (POS) which are widely used within the aviation industry as the baseline for navigation systems. PosTG was specifically developed for the track measurement application, thus allowing for the deployment on track measurement cars and track machines, further improving the data’s quality. Better data means greater knowledge, and knowledge is power, giving you the opportunity to best manage your infrastructure and deploy resources where necessary.
Product Details
Our PosTG solution requires only a single sensor calibration upon the vehicle’s deployment. It is open for various optical and mechanical gauge measurement systems (GMS) and the D-GPS feature supports a very high positioning precision. Our PosTG solution also ensures an EN13848 railway-dedicated compliancy and excellent reproducibility. The solution works independent from the track vehicle’s dynamics or driving directions. Allowing for the deployment on all vehicle types, with a 0-300 km/h speed range that is subject to GMS.
But this is only a snapshot of the whole picture. The use of our track measurement digitalization solutions portfolio allows for the efficient completion of complex tasks. With the help of tmOS, our end-to-end and off-board platform that closes the digital loop in track technologies, we ensure the synchronization of crucial data from the zero-speed PosTG and Referenced Track Geometry Solution tmRTG, a reliable measurement system that efficiently automates the track’s surveying process. PosTG’s unification with tmRTG is key, as it provides a faster, safer and high precision combination of inertial and reference point measurements. Now with 118 deployments in 34 countries, Pos-TG is more relevant than ever.
Work with us to quickly achieve the next level of digital track measurement accuracy and resource efficiency in rail.
Your Benefit
- Fastest, safest type of track measurement with even more insights
- Highly precise
- No track closures
- Resource efficiency – less time and cost
- Correlated data of all measurements available in tmOS