Digital systems for track surveying

Infrastructure Manager

Getting digitalization on track

Our software solutions connect tracks and computers and open up a new world of possibilities in infrastructure management. With the help of our innovative technologies, you shorten maintenance times, increase precision in track surveying while improving safety, and build a basis for resource-efficient track maintenance.

Safety and Efficiency

Your employees’ safety is our top priority. You can reduce the number of staff working on the track by introducing fully automated track surveying or digital twins of entire track sections. Thus, track surveying can be carried out from a safe distance, while track closures may be avoided.


Referenced & Absolute Track Geometry (tmRTG / tmATG)

Referenced Track Geometry (tmRTG) is a solution for track survey and tamping machines to automate the track surveying process. Tracks can now be measured faster and from a safe distance with the same level of precision. In contrast to absolute surveying (tmATG), which also uses geodetic data, tmRTG is based on the combination of reference point measurement and inertial measurement.

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tmLENS: A better Ballast Bed insight

tmc’s Superstructure Inspection Service is based on a dedicated product selection and data combination giving an end-to-end view on the condition of the ballast bed for targeted decision making.

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Position and Orientation (PosTG)

Take advantage of next-level track measurement with PosTG. It is one of our proven tools for digital track measurements, adding an extra dimension with valuable insights to our Referenced Track Geometry Solution tmRTG

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Digital Environment Profile (tmENV)

The Digital Environment Profile (tmENV) allows you to digitalize the survey of the track environment and thereby makes it more reliable. With one system, several parameters of the track environment can be recorded, making the surveying process more efficient and the results more precise. Since the work is not done at the track, the risk of accidents can also be minimized.

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tmc Mobile Mapping Service

Discover our digital mobile mapping service for railway networks to create a complete Digital Twin. With a highly precise point cloud of any railway track your mapping process is easier, faster and safer. You can access, view and measure any part of the track, anywhere, anytime.

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tmc Automated Railway Inventory Service

Discover our digital mobile mapping service for railway networks to create a complete Digital Twin. With a highly precise point cloud of any railway track your mapping process is easier, faster and safer. You can access, view and measure any part of the track, anywhere, anytime.

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    Assistance systems for track machines

    Machine Manufacturer

    We make digitization easy for you. Our solutions turn the track machines you manufacture into highly efficient machines that give you a competitive edge.


    Systems for track and fleet monitoring

    Fleet & Tool Owner

    Keep an eye on the condition of your track infrastructure and maintenance machines with our solutions. This allows for improved operation and maintenance planning, as well as reduced costs.

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