This is the first part of our feature release series and today we focus on our Machine portfolio. We’ve optimised user experience and launched cool new features.
Automated Guidance Computer (tmAGC) Upgrades
To meet the customers’ and the international market‘s requirements efficiently, tmc’s team introduced the Drop 1.7 and 1.8 upgrades. Not only do we provide a better IFC Rail Interface for Geometry and Track Data, but we further harmonized our technologies to comply with the European Standard EN 13803 for track alignment design, by including track safety checks according to the assigned Speed Classes.

With the possibility to add even more Meta-information to Geometry files, it is simpler to organize your tracks.

New file formats
Handling file formats is now easier than ever with support for saving .mes files, enabling interoperability between SmartALC and legacy software WinALC. To save a file as .mes, simply use the “save as” dialog, select “all files” under the save type option, and write the file ending as .mes.

New Shortcut
Have you heard that tmAGC has a new shortcut? By pressing CTRL+R, you can switch between radius and versine values inside the lining of a measurement file.

The markers for the superelevation values can now be input with a left/right sign and a value input.

Special track types can now be set on each geometry element.

More obstacle types, “Side-mounted ATS” and “Slab Track” added to give additional flexibility.
And about 170 tons of implementations under the hood like an optimized logging functionality for a better support in case of any errors, or the support of Hungarian as additional language.