tmc has received its ISO 27001 certificate, following a leading international standard focusing on the establishment of information security management. In the face of constant and damaging security breaches worldwide, the certification is a much-coveted achievement. ISO 27001 was developed to help organizations protect their information in a systematic and cost-effective way.
The process took one year to complete via a series of careful preparations, as our colleagues at tmc acquired the necessary experience in ISMS (Information Security Management System) implementation and followed-up and integrated the ISO 27001 requirements within the company’s system. Franz Berger, designated head of the review and implementation process, led our team to the accomplishment of our new security goals following a vigorous audit that began mid-August 2021 and lasted throughout December of last year.
Why ISO 27001 and why is it so coveted?
In short, the rigorous certification process offers both the companies and their clients the necessary piece of mind for information security. Our goals are to
1) ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of tmc’s information and intellectual property
2) continue operations with minimal disruptions
3) identify and reduce security risks to an acceptable level
4) create a risk-conscious and security aware culture
Jochen Nowotny, tmc’s CEO, stated that the awarding of the ISO 27001 certificate is a “major milestone for a young software company that deals with important infrastructure and machine data for our customers. The auditor confirmed that our Information Security Management System is at a high level and that very few companies achieve such a high level during their first audit. I am very pleased about that, because we do aim high and give our everything to protect our customers’ data.”
In tandem, Franz Berger expressed his satisfaction with this accomplishment in the following declaration: “Great teamwork within just one year, now we are ready to keep improving along with standards. For us, software company information security is our “highest good” and we are well aware that cyber threats are on the rise.”

With ISO 27001, we look forward to improving the cycle of information security and bring our customers the optimal performance they deserve.