Digital track maintenance

System solutions for maximum efficiency and availability in rail-infrastructure maintenance.

Digital systems for track surveying

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Assistance systems for track machines


Systems for track and fleet monitoring

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We connect people, tracks and machines.

Our systems make track maintenance safer and more efficient, thanks to an automated data exchange between the track machines and railway infrastructure. This reduces downtimes and facilitates maintenance and surveying activities.


Machines connected

3.09 Bn

Data points / day


Countries with tmc solutions


Our solutions

We offer flexible, practice-oriented systems that are tailored to the requirements of the employees who work with them.

Assistance systems for track machines

Machine Manufacturer

We make digitization easy for you. Our solutions turn the track machines you manufacture into highly efficient machines that give you a competitive edge.


Systems for track and fleet monitoring

Fleet & Tool Owner

Keep an eye on the condition of your track infrastructure and maintenance machines with our solutions. This allows for improved operation and maintenance planning, as well as reduced costs.


Digital systems for track surveying

Infrastructure Manager

We automate track surveying so that you can work more efficiently, precisely and above all, safely. We make track measurement possible, without an impact on operations.


With the Online Suite (tmOS) always have an overview. It merges the relevant data from all sources and provides you with a holistic view of the railroad infrastructure. Fragmented data points are put together to create a bigger picture from which targeted measures can then be derived.

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Shifting to rail transport

We are proud to support the maintenance of the most climate-friendly means of transport. At tmc, we work on sustainable solutions for people and the environment. If you would like to become part of our team, we look forward to getting to know you.

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Environment Mobile

In harmony with nature

We measure the success of our work by our stand to reconcile economic and ecological interests. With our systems we create a reliable information basis for forward-looking decisions from which both businesses and the environment benefit.

Lubrication system defective? Recognized in time by P&T service technicians with tmc fleet management. We help our customers to keep the machines available through digital solutions.

Alexander Lehner

Global Head Customer Services, Plasser und Theurer

Digitization of the railway infrastructure - this is possible thanks to the cooperation between Obermeyer and tmc.

Marc Kückmann

Abteilungsleiter Schienenverkehrsanlagen, Obermeyer

I train railway infrastructure staff on the tmAGC and we also enter route data. I often notice initial skepticism of participants who are unsure that a digital solution can actually support the complexity of railway infrastructure management. In the end everyone always enjoys working with tmAGC once they've grown accustomed to it and realize how simple and intuitive it is.

Carsten Baumgart

Senior Trainer, Global Rail Academy

Machine acceptance in Italy now demands more and more digital solutions. Thanks to tmc solutions, 10 track maintenance machines were successfully delivered in Italy.

Milan Stupar

CTO, Matisa

The tmc hardware and software developments are an important building block in the digitization of our products for the requirements of the markets worldwide. Our major project in Japan is running in cooperation with tmc to the full satisfaction of our customer.

Peter Ulrich

Digital Officer, Robel

A total of 200 kilometers of rail wear measurement according to the Swiss RTE 22540 standard, implemented jointly for the first time by SersaRhomberg and tmc.

Matthias Manhart

Leiter Rhomberg Sersa Technologie, Sersa

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News at tmc

tmc becomes a member of the Österreichische Verkehrswissenschaftliche Gesellschaft (ÖGV)

We are pleased to announce that tmc is now a member of the Österreichische Verkehrswissenschaftliche Gesellschaft (ÖVG) - a renowned network that promotes the exchange between research, politics and practice in the transport sector.

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Why tmc is Great Place to Work®  certified – and what that means for you

Great Place to Work Certification is recognized worldwide by employees and employers alike and is the global benchmark for identifying and recognizing outstanding employee experience. At tmc, we’ve participated for the second time and are proud of the results we’ve achieved this year.

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tmc joins Allianz pro Schiene

tmc is proud to announce its membership in Allianz pro Schiene, strengthening our commitment to advancing rail transport and giving the railway industry a stronger voice in politics and society. As a supporting member, we join a powerful network of industry leaders working towards a more sustainable and attractive rail system.

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